Monday, February 8, 2010

a vegan-y weekend

on Friday we made gnocchi for the second time this year... Beet and Rutabaga--YUM! This time we added less flour which was helpful, it resulted in a tender, rather than tough, dumpling... we served the gnocchi with peas, toasted spiced pecans, salt, pepper, and olive oil... it was delicious, but would have been better at 7 rather than 10:30--mentally note: start time consuming food projects earlier in the day!

on Saturday we made vegan butternut squash soup--i roasted squash with sweet curry powder, earth balance, cloves of garlic, an onion, and half an apple. threw it all in a pot with some veggie broth and pulled out the immersion blender. then added a can of coconut milk and a can of light coconut milk... a bit of cayenne, salt, and brown sugar.... topped with spiced walnuts (curry, cayenne, salt, brown sugar).... it was AWESOME!

on sunday we mixed the dishes together and they tasted great. YAY for being snowed in and playing in the kitchen!

the best part was the sourdough yessie made from Pineapple juice--it was sour and tender and AMAZING! i love her :)

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a lovely feast, friends!
    hope you're staying warm....
    our snow melted all in one day...sounds like you guys won't be so lucky.
    warmth and love to you!!!
